My Love Affair to Mountains; Mt. Maculot

Here’s a haiku I wrote for the love of nature 🙂

Place where I found love

It melted a frigid soul

In the summertime

Mt. Maculot Rockies

Mt. Maculot Rockies

Mt. Maculot Rockies

Mt. Maculot Rockies

Mt. maculot

Mt. maculot


Mt Maculot

Mt Maculot

45 thoughts on “My Love Affair to Mountains; Mt. Maculot

  1. Great photos. I’m amazed that you can climb mountains like that. When I was a little girl I used to love climbing up mountains, but there were tracks so these were easy to climb. Nature rocks!

  2. When I was a child, my mother would threaten me that lice would carry me to Makulot if I did not allow her to remove lice from my hair. Even when I heard a lot about this place, I never got near it though it was in the province I am from.

  3. Beautiful photos! That one with you perched at the top of the mountain scares me, though – I’m sure I’d just drop off the edge. 😉

  4. Great stuff! Its always a plan of mine to go mountain climbing but never really put the effort into it. Maybe its time 🙂

  5. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Yours is amazing. I can only travel through other folks photos now, and immensly enjoyed my visit to the Philippeans. Looking forward to many more visits.

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your pictures are beautiful. Nature is wonderful! I have to say, the second picture from the top gave me butterflies. Weren’t you scared sitting there like that??? lol

  7. You love mountains? I know exactly where you’re coming from. I just wish my love affair had begun earlier in life! Some wonderful posts and some excellent photos. I am glad you like “In search of unusual destinations”, by the way. Phil.

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